Vegan peanut butter
Peanut butter is a yummy spread, a great source of protein, it can be used as an ingredient in recipes, and is creamy smooth in texture, leading some people to wonder is peanut butter vegan?
Vegan peanut butter Read More »
Peanut butter is a yummy spread, a great source of protein, it can be used as an ingredient in recipes, and is creamy smooth in texture, leading some people to wonder is peanut butter vegan?
Vegan peanut butter Read More »
As a vegan, it is easy to become very one dimensional. I know a lot of vegans that eat the same rendition of what is essentially a vegetable stir fry. You know the one, the old seven vegetable and rice combined with a slightly different sauce each time.
Book Review: Vegetarian Sushi Secrets by Marisa Baggett Read More »
Going dairy-free is essential but sometimes difficult part of becoming a Vegan. The good news is that it’s actually a lot easier than you think, and most of the arguments that people use to promote dairy are just myths. More importantly, there are significant health, environmental and ethical reasons for removing dairy from your diet.
Butternut Squash is a seasonal vegetable that is a healthy addition to anyone’s diet! Especially for Vegans. It is full of nutrients and vitamins that are essential to optimal health. Additionally, it is low in calories so you can enjoy guilt-free.
Chia seeds are a great addition to smoothies, breakfasts and other recipes. Chia seeds also provide many of the nutrients essential to stay healthy as a vegan.
Wow, this month has been crazy! Halloween, Presidential Races and the Weather Cooling Down. Below are the best blog posts from the top Vegan blogs in the world. From Recipes to Lifestyle to Inspiration – Click on the navigation menu below to jump to a post that interests you.
[Best of October] 13 Vegan Articles You Need To Know About Read More »
At some stage, you’re going to run out of vegan recipes to cook. When that happens it’s great to check out new ideas and recipes from the pros who have done this before in one of the many vegan cookbooks available.
Ultimate vegan cookbook guide Read More »
For some vegans, one of the biggest problems they face is a drop in weight. While losing a few pounds can be beneficial to many people and might even be the reason they chose to go plant-based, others want to take the opportunity to bulk up in a safe and healthy way.
Gaining Weight On A Vegan Diet Read More »
My non-vegan friends often ask how vegans can get enough food without dairy. The general public is under the impression that an individual has to consume animal protein for calcium, but this is not true. Today I’m going to show you 7 foods you can eat on a vegan diet that will give you more than
Calcium rich foods for a vegan diet Read More »